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Workload Migration to a PaaS provider: Is it worth the effort?

PaaS platforms are becoming more and more predominant, I don’t have a crystal ball so I can’t say the percentage of Web Apps that will run at a PaaS provider in 5 years, but I will bet on 80%.

Hosting an application at a PaaS provider has it’s pros and cons, like most of the other things we do. Instead of discussing them , I decided to migrate a running app to a PaaS provider, and for the test I used IBM BlueMix Cloud Foundry environment base.

Firstly, the choice of the Application. As we are doing more and more projects around GLPI at Sogeti Basel (Switzerland), I thought this application would be a good option. It’s an open source LAMP stack IT Asset Management and Configuration management, support people oriented, with tracking and ticketing capabilities. If you want to know more, you can check it out here.

And I didn’t start from a fresh install, I took an already running and customized environment. I picked a PHP application, also because PHP is supposed to be easier. [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: Workload Migration to a PaaS provider: Is it worth the effort?

Flavien Boucher
Flavien Boucher
Delivery Manager - Application Development Services
+41 (0) 76 429 64 23

This content comes from our technical leaders who publish very regularly on the SogetiLabs blog.

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