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Get inspired by one of our latest reports on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and learn more about our AI future.

The Frankenstein Factor - The Anatomy of Fear of AI

This third SogetiLabs report in a series of four on the topic of Machine Intelligence addresses the fear of Artificial Intelligence and how organizations should handle it.

We are on the threshold of an extraordinary development that makes the automation heart beat faster. Recent announcements by both Facebook and tech pioneer Elon Musk to build brain interfaces are great examples. But together with the expanding possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI), emotions run higher and higher. The SogetiLabs report, 'The Frankenstein Factor: the Anatomy of Fear of AI', recommends taking these emotions seriously and pleads for a therapeutic approach. A focus on IT efficiency and effectiveness should be accompanied by a focus on human existence.

Get a free copy of our report here.

  • Maja Oderstedt
    Maja Oderstedt
    Rekryteringsansvarig Stockholm inom krav och test
    070-263 45 95

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