
"Free the AI: life after the chatbot"

Our SogetiLabs expert Edwin Van Der Thiel has a vision and writes about his vision in his latest blog. Read here.

I have a vision.
A vision where my digital assistant’s only task is to understand me, to support me, like a head butler in the household. Where it is in control of an army of specialist AI agents, each with its own task to make my life easier. To me this is the true digital happiness: innovation to make my life easier.

Chatbots are not this development.

In my opinion, there are a couple of serious flaws in the approach that chatbots have taken:

Read the entire blog post and interact with Edwin on the SogetiLabs website.

  • Edwin van der Thiel
    Edwin van der Thiel
    Blockchain Technology Specialist at Sogeti
    +31 65 232 73 13