
"Is Innovation Doing Gender (Conclusion)"

In the last part of the AI vs Gender blog series, our SogetiLabs expert Kamel Abid talks about identifying other technologies and what role will they play in defining the gender gap.

Together we went through several innovative technologies (AI, Mobile Robots, exoskeletons) trying to estimate whether they were gender or not. We’ve learned that all the stereotypes around men and women are purely cultural and part of intersectionality. We’ve seen also that AI is likely to perpetuate or increase the gap between male and female condition. We know that ARM and exoskeletons tend to close this gap in a far future. Let’s screen a little bit faster at other emerging technologies.

doing gender


This one is probably one of the most interesting. Unlike machine learning with centralized databases, managed, updated and secured by the owner, the distributed database created by blockchain technology has a fundamentally different digital backbone. The result is a system for digital interactions that does not need a trusted third party.

Read the entire blog post and interact with Kamel on the SogetiLabs website.

  • Kamel Abid
    Kamel Abid
    Affärsutvecklingschef - Microsoft Alliance Manager
    +352 31 44 01