
Reduce maintenance workload by 97% with context-driven test automation

Sogetilabs expert Bartek Rohard Warszawski presents to you context-driven automation as a solution for hiding unnecessary layers of complexity so that testers can focus their efforts where it makes the most sense.

The digital realm is multidimensional, and therefore not as easy to perceive as the physical world. This challenge is at the crux of the difficulties related to IT projects: How to determine when a delivery of a multidimensional project is of a satisfactory quality and ready for release?

You can easily observe if a newly constructed bridge only allows 9 out 10 cars to pass, or if it is made of sections that don’t completely align. Unfortunately, in digital projects, equivalent shortcomings are often passed as acceptable. A bridge is a tangible, three-dimensional construct, while digital constructs are not. How do you ensure the quality of a project with potentially infinite dimensions? How do you test it?

Read the entire blog post and interact with Bartek on SogetiLabs website.

  • Bartek Rohard Warszawski
    Bartek Warszawski
    Test Engineer | Denmark
    +45 5218 9398