WQR 2019-2020

World Quality Report 2019-2020

The 11th edition of the World Quality Report confirms that QA and Testing teams must focus on aligning development projects with business needs.

The report captures insight from interviews with 1725 CIOs and senior technology leaders from 32 countries and 10 industries.


The World Quality Report is the only global report analyzing software testing and quality engineering trends. It presents an analysis of developments in agile and DevOps, artificial intelligence, automation, test environments, data, security and budgets, showing once again the importance of quality, and of the measures that are put in place to maintain it.

Download your copy to find out why our experts believe:

  • Artificial Intelligence can make testing smarter – but broader QA skills are needed
  • Test automation cannot keep pace with the demand for rapid development
  • A centre of excellence approach to test data management is vital for meeting the unrelenting pace of change
  • Moving more security to cloud-based test environments will raise the game on security

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  • Gautam Reddy
    Gautam Reddy
    National Quality Engineering & Testing Lead
    072-514 10 12

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  • Therese Sinter - Nordisk, SVE
    Therese Sinter
    Kommunikations- och marknadsdirektör, Sogeti Norden
    +46 70 361 46 21

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