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Artificiell intelligens
September 23, 2024
Social responsibility and reputational impact are driving the need to reevaluate the global finance sector’s role as an economic pillar and steward of a sustainable future. But despite broad recognition of sustainability’s critical importance, there is a noticeable gap between intent and execution.
To understand the position of the financial sector, Capgemini surveyed 248 financial services executives in 12 markets. Using insights gained from the survey, this report outlines a compelling business case for comprehensive ESG data strategies in the financial sector.
As regulatory frameworks such as the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the SEC’s Climate-Related Disclosure in the United States become more stringent, the financial sector must adapt quickly. The integration of advanced ESG data management and reporting tools will be crucial in meeting these new requirements.
Navigating the complexities of ESG compliance and data management may be challenging, but it presents numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. By embracing a strategic, data-driven approach to ESG, financial institutions can ensure compliance while also building a competitive advantage.
Our research reveals that 58% of financial services organizations have not automated their emissions data collection process, and only 11% have invested in data cockpits or control towers for ESG insights. We can change that.
Capgemini offers innovative solutions to support your ESG journey, empowering businesses to achieve sustainable success. With tools like Business for Planet Modeling, we help enterprises develop and stress-test sustainable business models using a digital-twin approach. Our ESG Lens, powered by advanced natural language processing, ensures reliable and transparent ESG decision-making by detecting data irregularities and bridging gaps in third-party ESG scores. Additionally, our Sustainability Data Hub provides a robust foundation for ESG intelligence, driving data-driven decisions across all enterprise functions.
Partner with Capgemini to enhance your ESG strategies, mitigate risks, and unlock new opportunities for growth in a socially responsible and environmentally conscious world.
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