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PODCASTGENDER BALANCE2024-08-27#addher podcast 16: Vad är en scrum master?I avsnitt 16 av #addher-podcasten ”Vadå IT-tjej?” gästas Jeanette Magnusson av Linnea Roivas, IT-projektledare på Sogeti. Utöver rollen som projektledare har Linnea även erfarenhet av att vara team-leader och scrum master, hon har tidigare också varit systemägare. Vi reder ut vad det innebär att vara scrum master och Linnea berättar om hur hon hamnade i IT-branschen av en slump – och att hon från början har en bakgrund av studier inom ekonomi och företagande.
BLOGGPOSTDEVOPS2024-08-27Modern Applications: Control with policy-governed practicesIn our latest eBook, created in partnership with Microsoft, ‘Start in control and stay in control‘, we propose five key principles. During this series we are discussing each of these principles in depth, today ‘Control with policy-governed practices.’
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BLOGGPOSTQUALITY ENGINEERING & TESTING2024-08-26How do you find the sweet spot in Quality Engineering?Within an agile context, responsibility for quality is a joint responsibility of all team members throughout the entire chain. This also holds true in SAP environments, where many 'teams and streams' are involved. Therefore, many organizations focus on delivering 'Quality at speed’ but struggle to find the right balance: They do feel responsible for quality, but due to the pressure of a fast time-to-market, speed still takes precedence over quality, with all its consequences. -
PODCASTDIGITAL2024-08-26Effekten: Marknadsföring idagI detta avsnitt samtalar Jonas Jaani med Andreas Hult, Head of Creative på reklambyrån Fluid. De samtalar om trender och tendenser inom marknadsföring. Hur gör man för att övertyga sina konsumenter på två sekunder?
BLOGGPOSTQUALITY ENGINEERING & TESTING2024-08-20Untangle the mess: Line up your SAP End-to-End TestingPreparing test scenarios is always a conscious and intricate activity. End-to-end testing emphasizes this even further. And instead of dealing with clear consecutive processes, SAP end-to-end testing shows a reality where a whole mesh of interchanging business process steps is far more likely. How can we approach this form of testing and get a grip on this important SAP test variety?
BLOGGPOSTDEVOPS2024-08-19Modern Applications: Enable the organization with a cloud native foundationIn our latest eBook, created in partnership with Microsoft, ‘Start in control and stay in control‘, we propose five key principles. During this series we are discussing each of these principles in depth, today ‘Enable the organization with a cloud native foundation.’
EVENTQUALITY ENGINEERING & TESTING2024-08-15Celebration EditionVälkommen till Qualywood och test- och kvalitetsvärldens egna Oscars-mingel. Häng med Sveriges aktuella och kommande stjärnor, utmana dina Bäst i Test-skills, passa på att generörst dela med dig av dina bästa quality hacks och se trailers som öppnar dörrar till ny kunskap. Och vilka blir vinnare av TestExpo Awards 2024? På plats får du svaret. Vi ses!
PODCASTGENDER BALANCE2024-08-13#addher podcast 15: Att lära ut programmering till barnI avsnitt 15 av #addher-podcasten “Vadå IT-tjej” pratar vi om vikten av att introducera programmering till barn redan i tidig ålder och hur det kan påverka deras framtida karriärval. Kristina Bjerka, generalsekreterare på den ideella föreningen Kodcentrum, är gäst i podden och berättar mer om Kodcentrums arbete där personer som arbetar i IT-branschen lär ut programmering till barn.
BLOGGPOSTQUALITY ENGINEERING & TESTING2024-08-125 arguments why you need SAP business key users for your SAP (test) projectIt is crucial for business key users to be involved in testing SAP implementations. They are the end users of the solution and are the ones who will be impacted by any issues or problems that may arise. But, why, you may wonder, is it then still challenging to have business key users participate in SAP Testing?
LÖSNINGARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE2024-08-08AI AgentsNästa teknikinnovation är här! Gen AI var stort när det kom. AI-agenter är större. AI-agenter – autonoma enheter som kan observera och förstå sin miljö, fatta beslut och vidta åtgärder – är nu redo att revolutionera olika branscher och verksamheter. Vi hjälper dig att pragmatiskt ta dig från pilotprojekt till att fullt ut implementera AI-agenter.
ERBJUDANDEARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE2024-08-08AI Agent KickstartsAI-agenter baserade på Large Action Models kommer revolutionera världen med en ökad grad av automation, de flesta branscher kommer att påverkas såväl som våra privatliv. Vi på Sogeti kan med vår expertis stötta dig när du vill starta din resa med AI-agenter, oavsett vart du befinner dig i processen att utveckla dina AI-baserade tjänster. Utifrån dina affärsbehov skräddarsyr och erbjuder vi tre kickstarts för att du ska komma vidare på Gen AI-resan.
PODCASTDATA & AI2024-08-07Effekten: AI AgentsI detta avsnitt samtalar Jonas Jaani med Joakim Wahlqvist (CTO Data & AI, Sogeti Global Portfolio), Arun Sahu (Global Technology Lead Data and AI, Sogeti) och Karl Fridlycke (Generative AI & Digital Transformation, Sogeti). De samtalar om hur AI-agenter kan observera sin omgivning, fatta beslut och vidta åtgärder. Lyssna här och häng med in i teknikens framtid.
BLOGGPOSTQUALITY ENGINEERING & TESTING2024-08-06How to cope with multiple perspectives on development?In this blog post Fredrik Scheja from Sogeti Labs gives us a glimpse of what we might face in the future regarding multiple perspectives on development. What if we address all four fundamental development perspectives alongside their respective testing methods?
RAPPORTDATA & AI2024-08-06The Nordic AI FrontierHow are Nordic enterprises adapting to generative AI? And how are they navigating challenges while championing a future of innovation, ethical governance, and corporate sustainability? Find out more in this report, The Nordic AI Frontier − Navigating the Generative AI Wave Among Nordic Enterprises.
BLOGGPOSTDEVOPS2024-08-05Modern Applications: Exploring business opportunity with Gen AIIn our latest eBook, created in partnership with Microsoft, ‘Start in control and stay in control‘, we propose five key principles. During this series we are discussing each of these principles in depth, today ‘Exploring business opportunity with Gen AI’.
BLOGGPOSTQUALITY ENGINEERING & TESTING2024-08-01Why are Key Users essential in SAP Testing?Of course key users have extended business knowledge which is of utmost importance to validate and verify if the new SAP Solution is supporting and meeting the business needs. But do your key users know how to test effectively and efficiently? Is your organization well organized to support the SAP key user to take part of your SAP Testing?
RAPPORTDATA & AI2024-07-29Engineering BiologyThanks to advancements in DNA synthesis, editing, and sequencing and developments in AI, biological systems can now be engineered with greater speed and accuracy and with significantly reduced time and costs.
PRESSMEDDELANDEFINANCIAL NEWS2024-07-26Capgemini H1 2024 resultsH1 2024 revenues of €11,138 million, -2.5% year-on-year on a reported basis. Growth at constant exchange rates* of -2.6% in H1 and -1.9% in Q2. Resilient Operating margin* at 12.4%, stable year-on-year. Organic free cash flow* of €163 million, up €216 million year-on-year. 2024 constant currency revenue growth target adjusted to -0.5% to -1.5% (was 0% to 3%). 2024 operating margin and organic free cash flow targets confirmed.
BLOGGPOSTDIGITAL2024-07-24Dark patterns and the manipulation of user experienceIn this blog post, Jonas Hultenius, Software Architecht at Sogeti and one of our global experts in SogetiLabs, unveils the deceptive realm of dark patterns, how companies manipulate user behavior and what can be done about it.
BLOGGPOSTDEVOPS2024-07-24Modern Applications: Adaptability and scalabilityIn our latest eBook, created in partnership with Microsoft, ‘Start in control and stay in control‘, we propose five key principles. During this series we are discussing each of these principles in depth, today ‘Adaptability and scalability.’
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