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Generativ AI
Artificiell intelligens
In today’s fast-paced business environment, understanding emerging technologies is essential for future planning. Our Top Tech Trends of 2025: AI-powered Everything report explores five critical technology trends and their implications for organizations and provides a comprehensive look at innovation and technology priorities through the eyes of business decision-makers.
Why Read Top Tech Trends of 2025?
This report aims to provide business decision-makers with the insights needed to understand and assess the inflection points of technology, and their future impact. By exploring these tech trends of 2025, we offer a roadmap for navigating the complexities of the digital age and staying ahead in a competitive market. In this report, we explore:
Explore Top Tech Trends of 2025: AI-powered Everything for an authoritative perspective on the technology trends that matter most to CEOs and C-Suite business decision-makers.
Capgemini groups tech trends stem from decades of strategic partnership experience and a global survey
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National Head of Portfolio & Delivery Centers, Sogeti Sweden
Sales Director, Sogeti Sweden
Data Lead, Sogeti Sweden
Quality Lead, Sogeti Sweden
Applications Lead, Sogeti Sweden
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