Testpodden live #10: Generative AI applied to Quality Engineering & Testing

Testpodden live #10: Generative AI applied to Quality Engineering & Testing

I detta avsnitt samtalar Jonas Jaani med experterna Antoine Aymer och Marcus Norrgren om generativ AI inom test- och kvalitetessäkring. Avsnittet spelades in live på TestExpo Sweden 2023 och hålls på engelska.

There can be multiple ways to make testing and quality assurance more effective with the help of Generative AI. Antoine shares how many concrete ways he has identified so far and what the can include. But what about the ethical approach to AI involving understanding the problem and analyzing data, and ensuring AI output quality through cautious experimentation, human reasoning, and considering trust and trade-offs? Listen in to the discussion!

Generative AI applied to Quality Engineering & Testing with Antoine Aymer and Marcus Norrgren – an episode recorded live at TestExpo Sweden 2023.

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"Quality for DevOps teams"
  • Jonas Jaani
    Jonas Jaani
    Testpodden, producent
    070-298 52 63

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