Testpodden live: Latest insights into SAP Business Assurance

Testpodden live: Latest insights into SAP Business Assurance

I detta avsnitt samtalar Jonas Jaani med den globala experten Pepijn Paap om insikter i den senaste utgåvan av rapporten, State of Worldwide Business Assurance for SAP solutions - 2023. Avsnittet spelades in live på TestExpo Sweden 2023 och hålls på engelska. Lyssna här för att få reda på mer.

The challenges when it comes to securing the quality of upgrading SAP can feel overwhelming. But it just has to work in a seamless way. Pepijn shares findings from the new, global SAP Business Assurance Report and dives into why assuring the testing and quality assurance from the start of the SAP project is so imperative for a seamless and successful upgrade ensuring business continuity.

Latest insights into SAP Business Assurance with Pepijn Paap – an episode recorded live at TestExpo Sweden 2023.

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"Quality for DevOps teams"
  • Jonas Jaani
    Jonas Jaani
    Testpodden, producent
    070-298 52 63

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World Quality report 2023-24
State of Worldwide Business Assurance for SAP solutions -2023