On the way to the industrial metaverse

On the way to the industrial metaverse

Using metaverse technologies to achieve operational excellence in the industrial workplace. The gap between digital and real life is steadily reducing, and the boundaries between these two worlds are becoming more and more porous.

So as digital becomes an integral part of our lives, how will this evolve, as we now look ahead to the next evolution – the metaverse – in which we see another convergence – that between the real and the simulated?

The current promise of the metaverse is that the simulation of the “real” will be quick and complete. Is this a realistic approach and how could it contribute to achieving sustainability? Will the virtual environment become the “master of the game”?

These are serious questions and lead us to a number of searching questions and propositions, which are covered in this paper.

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  • Therese Sinter
    Therese Sinter
    Marketing & Communications Director, Sogeti Nordics
    +46 70 361 46 21

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