Our latest reports

Food for thought! Our latest reports about Generative AI from Capgemini Research Institute.

Our passion for technology puts us in the forefront when it comes to thought leadership around technology innovations and the impact they have. As a part of the Capgemini Group we share interesting reports and Point of Views from our experts within the Group at Capgemini Research Institute. Explore our latest thought leadership, ideas, and insights on the issues that are shaping the future of business and society.


World Retail Banking Report 2024
Banks will continue to invest in digital transformation, focusing strongly on AI and generative AI.
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Key Trends & Challenges for 2024
From the desk of data leaders. Discover the key figures, testimonials, and conclusions from our 5th Barometer of Data Management Directions.
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Technovision 2024 - Prompt the future
Technology in business evolved even faster than normal last year – this report is sure to prompt some lively debate.
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Unleashing confidence in AI
This report uncovers the 12 success factors crucial for developing and implementing AI-powered ecosystems. 
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Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO’s playbook
Learn more about how generative AI is reshaping marketing, and find out how organizations can unleash the generative AI playbook. 
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Generative AI for a competitive product strategy
GenAI for product design and customer experience are promising, but AI development brings governance, security, and ethics. Download report >>>


Point of view's

Revolutionize your financial services with AI: A strategic journey through Azure OpenAI
Benefits and tools available to enhance decision-making, streamline operations, and provide personalized customer experiences.  
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Generative AI is a game changer for hospitality customer experience
Generative AI heralds a new era of hospitality by helping companies craft more personal and seamless experiences for travelers and guests. Learn more in this point of view.
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  • Jerome Buvat
    Jerome Buvat
    Global Head of Capgemini Research Institute
    +44 870 905 31 86