Livet på Sogeti

Amol Rane

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At Sogeti in Stockholm you’ll find a Solution Architect by the name Amol. He describes himself as persistant, realiable and easygoing. His passion is self-improvement and constantly developing his skills. Get to know Amol better here.

Year of birth: 1986
City where you live and work:
 Gym training, run in forest and Ping Pong

Describe yourself with 3 words:
Persistent, reliable and easygoing.

Tell us a little bit about your background:
I am from Mumbai, India. Since my early college days I had special interest with computers. My IT career started with assembling computers and deploying different operating systems. Post that I worked on setting up the on-premise enterprise environment and expanded footprints towards cloud technologies and hybrid setup’s.

Your career at Sogeti:

In 2018 I was hired in Sogeti Jönköping from Capgemini India and in 2021 I moved to Stockholm. My journey has been quite splendid, exploring different cities in Sweden and Sogeti office’s.

Why are you passionate about the field of expertise you are skilled in?

With my area of expertise, I get to cherish and nurture my biggest interest and passion that lies in self-improvement and developing myself both personally and professionally. I get to push myself to learn more, do more and challenge myself more.

What can a regular workday look like?

To begin with, I start my day 8am sharp, one of the important thing that I learnt living in Sweden, to be punctual. My first few minutes are spent planning my day and defining time for activities. I work very closely with the offshore team in India and nearshore team in Poland. So it becomes exciting discussing technical roadblocks and finding a solution around it. I keep some buffer time for focusing on my personal knowledge. My thought process is to have the feeling that I learnt something new by the end of the day.
Why do you work for Sogeti?
I get the liberty to work on the technologies I am passionate about. Also a good management who always have your back and empowers individual to give their best.

What are the common denominators for a sogetian?
Being customer centric, dedicated towards work in hand and well versed with trending technologies.

Amol Rane

Amol Rane

Solutions Architect M365, Stockholm

I create tomorrows customer experience. Today.

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Du som anställd på Sogeti är vår absolut främsta tillgång och vi ser det givetvis som en av våra viktigaste uppgifter att ta väl hand om dig. 

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Om oss

Prisbelönt expertis

Vi har fått flera utmärkelser under åren som Karriärföretag, Sveriges Bästa Arbetsgivare och högt rankat Traineeprogram.

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Om oss


Visste du att vi driver ett av Sveriges största nätverk för kvinnor i IT-/Techbranschen.

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Din utveckling


Next är vår “One-stop-shop” för att utveckla dina skills. Med över 250 000 kurser och 3 miljoner aktiviteter från 1200 källor, kan du skapa personliga paths och dela framgångar. Plattformen inkluderar Pluralsight, Coursera, Udemy och Sogeti Generative AI Hub för både “hard” och “soft skills”.

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Livet på Sogeti

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