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Nafees Khan

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At our office in Göteborg, we have Nafees Khan who is always ready to help our customers with the solutions which are tightly coupled with business needs and technology. He loves learning new technologies which are relevant to the current business needs. His expertise is into Cloud & DevOps including other cloud services.

Born: 1976
Living: Gothenburg
Married and has two daughters
Leisure interests: 
Gym, travelling, watching movies/web series

Describe yourself in three words:
Transparent, curious, passionate about technology.

Tell us a little about your background:
Being in the IT industry for last 22 years, I have witnessed the fast-changing trends in IT domain. I started my IT journey as a system administrator and got several opportunities to work on different roles and supporting many Microsoft system center products. I have also been working on automating the services using various tools and technologies like OS deployments, applications delivery, securing the environments, etc. I have been working on private, public and hybrid cloud adoption programs and implementing them for past many years. I have been helping our customers to migrate the workload and hosting the cloud native applications leveraging automation for speedy and cost saving delivery. Mainly, my core expertise has been lying with infrastructure and application hosting on premise and cloud, now majorly cloud. I have been designing and building the cloud platforms for various products and applications.

I have been a part of several great initiatives of Capgemini and Sogeti in collaboration with Microsoft Redmond team like SkySight (Azure-like private cloud to help enterprises quickly deploy new applications), OneDeliver (Sogeti cloud services mainly focused on Advise, Align and Animate) and OneShare (Sogeti offering for application delivery with a rich cloud platform).

Learning new technologies in IT is my addiction which makes my job more interesting and enjoyable.

And tell us some about your career at Sogeti?
I started at Sogeti in 2010 in India (Mumbai), then, moved to Sweden (Göteborg) in 2016. I have been a part of many interesting and challenging assignments in Göteborg and looking forward to helping our customers on cloud adoption programs and delivering the results from Cloud and DevOps perspective.

What are you most passionate about in your area of ​​expertise?
I am passionate about Cloud & DevOps, however, my curiosity to learn and explore new areas like generative AI and Data continues to expand. I love sharing knowledge and taking inputs from teams and colleagues which give an opportunity to bring new ideas on the table.

How do you share your expertise?
I have been working with people from different backgrounds and cultures, where I see an opportunity to share my expertise and knowledge with them so that we as a one team can deliver the value to our clients. Ramping up new resources and helping them with the processes and technologies always give an opportunity to grow to the next level.

A really good day at work, what happens next?
A really good day at work is a day when I deliver the solution with the great results where I feel the client’s sense of satisfaction for the same. I also have a great day at work when I contribute to our team with some new ideas and resolving the showstopper.

What is a typical Sogetian like?
Focused, professional, kind, and collaborative spirit!

Why do you work at Sogeti?
I work at Sogeti because Sogeti provides a platform where I can grow as an individual with values and ethics, and also, I get ample opportunities to set my goals for the future. I find Sogeti a place where I have an environment for innovation and forward-thinking.

Nafees Khan

Nafees Khan

Infra and Cloud Architect, Göteborg

Sogeti provides a platform where I can grow

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Om oss

Prisbelönt expertis

Vi har fått flera utmärkelser under åren som Karriärföretag, Sveriges Bästa Arbetsgivare och högt rankat Traineeprogram.

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