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Generativ AI
Artificiell intelligens
September 06, 2024
Eighty percent of organizations have increased their investment in generative AI since 2023, while the remaining 20% have maintained their investment level, according to the 2nd edition of the Generative AI in organizations report. And generative AI has already begun delivering on its promise with respondents from said report seeing a 6.7% improvement in customer experience and a 5.8% increase in operational efficiency in areas where generative AI has been piloted or deployed. And these are only the first results.
However, this innovation comes at a price and it’s not just monetary. Organizations deploying generative AI often overlook its resource consumption resulting in a higher carbon footprint and the accelerated depletion of natural resources. And this cost remains hidden: today, only one-third of organizations are doing any monitoring of generative AI’s resource, carbon, and water costs. Additionally, organizations must also consider the social costs of generative AI such as the impact of bias.
So how can we balance the potential of generative AI while considering its cost to the planet at large?
As the leader of the eco-digital revolution, we at Capgemini are committed to helping our clients harness the immense potential of generative AI while considering its cost to the planet and society. Over the next few months, we will explore these topics in depth. To learn more today:
1. Read the Generative AI in organizations report.
2. Join us for a discussion on this topic and others at the Capgemini Business to Planet Connect at New York Climate Week.
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