Testpodden live #13: Quality in a DevOps World

Testpodden live #13: Quality in a DevOps World

I detta avsnitt samtalar Jonas Jaani med experterna Eva Holmquist, Rik Marselis och Fredrik Scheja om kvalitet i en DevOps-värld. Avsnittet spelades in live på TestExpo Sweden 2023 och hålls på engelska. Lyssna här för att få reda på mer.

Three top Sogeti Quality Engineering experts, all members of the global expert hub SogetiLabs, reflecting on the topic of quality assurance and testing in today’s DevOps-focused environments with cross-functional teams. What is working and what is not? Sharing business cases and experiencesl Enjoy! 

Quality in a DevOps World with Eva Holmqvist, Rik Marselis and Fredrik Scheja – an episode recorded live at TestExpo Sweden 2023.

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"Quality for DevOps teams"
  • Jonas Jaani
    Jonas Jaani
    Testpodden, producent
    070-298 52 63

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World Quality report 2023-24
State of Worldwide Business Assurance for SAP solutions -2023