Testpodden live #11: SAP Business Assurance & Service Virtualization

Testpodden live #11: SAP Business Assurance & Service Virtualization

I detta avsnitt samtalar Jonas Jaani med de globala experterna Michal Krawczyk, INT4 och Pepijn Paap, Sogeti. Avsnittet spelades in live på TestExpo Sweden 2023 och hålls på engelska. Lyssna här för att få reda på mer om den tidskritiska förflyttningen till SAP S/4HANA.

The chosen ERP system is at the heart of any organization and therefore business critical. As SAP users need to move over to SAP S/4HANA within a restricted time-frame many companies need to secure that this upgrade goes seamlessly. So as an analogy, how to fly your SAP plane in the air as you are rebuilding your engines? Michal and Pepijn share their expertise.

SAP Business Assurance & Service Virtualization with Michal Krawczyk (INT4) and Pepijn Paap (Sogeti) – an episode recorded live at TestExpo Sweden 2023.

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"Quality for DevOps teams"
  • Jonas Jaani
    Jonas Jaani
    Testpodden, producent
    070-298 52 63

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World Quality report 2023-24
State of Worldwide Business Assurance for SAP solutions -2023