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September 18, 2023
Preserving the fabric of life: Why biodiversity loss is as urgent as climate change.
In this Capgemini Research Institute report, ‘Preserving the fabric of life: Why biodiversity loss is as urgent as climate change‘, we examine the importance of protecting biodiversity and its significance to organizations.
Biodiversity encompasses the entire variety of life on Earth. It is necessary for the planet to function and provides the conditions for human existence. Damage to biodiversity, called biodiversity loss, threatens this delicate balance by stripping away the protection that healthy ecosystems provide. To address this issue, organizations must take strategic action to reduce their impact on the natural world.
We surveyed over 1,800 executives across 12 countries and 15 industries to inform our research on this topic. Based on our findings and analysis, it is clear that current efforts aimed at biodiversity preservation and restoration are insufficient. Only 24% of respondents indicate that their organization has a biodiversity strategy, and it is estimated that the financing gap for biodiversity exceeds $700 billion annually.
Despite these shortcomings, executives realize the importance of biodiversity. Of those we surveyed, 86% agree that biodiversity is important to the planet, and 88% understand that it helps to address climate change. But, as the immediate focus has turned towards fighting climate change on its own, many organizations view biodiversity as a lesser priority. Unfortunately, this approach is unsustainable and could lead to an environmental catastrophe.
Organizations will have to act now to avoid the worst impacts of a biodiversity crisis. In this report, in addition to analyzing the issues surrounding biodiversity in depth, we conclude with four recommendations that will help organizations advance their biodiversity journeys, focusing on strategy, collaboration, measurement and disclosure, and technological and data solutions.
Download our report to find out more about the importance of biodiversity and how organizations can act to address this critical issue.
1 PDF (7 MB)
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