Sogeti Bootcamp

Sogeti Cloud WoW Bootcamp

During a weekend Christian Forsberg, global Chief Architect at Sogeti and CTO Emerging Tech at Capgemini Scandinavia, put together a number of autonomous cross-functional agile teams, focusing on new ways of working and new tech, building on our Beautiful Delivery approach. The goal was to create a generic B2B website in 36 hours, and we did it!

During the event, taking place in Sweden outside of Malmoe, the teams went all-in on new ways of working, Google Cloud, DevOps, innovation and having fun. A value makers event with participants from Sogeti, Capgemini and Capgemini Invent. Starting from chaos, 36 hours later ending in beautiful delivery! Have a look!

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Want to know more? Reach out to Christian Forsberg!

  • Christian Forsberg
    Christian Forsberg
    Global Chief Architect, Sogeti/CTO Emerging Tech Capgemini Scandinavia
    070-593 03 18

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