TestExpo Awards nominees

And the nominees are...

Här ser du alla nominerade testare i Sverige, som sticker ut lite extra! Vinnarna i TestExpo Awards fyra kategorier; Valuemaker, Hero, Superstar och Energizer, koras i Stockholm den 14 september, på mötesplatsen TestExpo. Är du nominerad? Glöm inte att anmäla dig till TestExpo.

Here are all the nominated testers in Sweden, that shines a little extra! The winners of the TestExpo Awards four categories; Valuemaker, Hero, Superstar and Energizer will be celebrated in Stockholm on September 14th, at the TestExpo meeting. Are you nominated? Don't forget to register for TestExpo.

Name of nominee Category Reasons to nomination Location Name of the nominator

  • Magnus Loveman
    Magnus Loveman
    Quality Engineering & Testing Lead, Sverige
    070-207 33 60

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